Christian Education
Church School
Pilgrim Congregational United Church of Christ promotes an inclusive message or love, forgiveness, and understanding. We believe children are a vital part of our church community, and their experiences, insights and gifts are honored and shared with the congregation. We offer a variety of programs for children that encourage spiritual growth in a nurturing environment.
Kids & Kids!
Programs includes: Nursery for children up to 3 years of age; Multi-level Sunday School Class for children through 5th grade and a Youth Sunday School Class for 6th - 12th grade students. We offer Mission Projects, Christmas Pageant, Palm Sunday Processional Parade, Easter Egg Hunt, Summer Fest and more!
Summer Fest 2016
Youth Group
We strive to create an inclusive setting, where questions can be asked, topics can be discussed, and stories can be shared. Youth learn leadership skills, group participation, and inclusiveness by attending our programs, and grow in their understanding of God and the world around them. Youth grade 6-12 participate in bimonthly youth outings and a yearly Retreat based on a spiritual theme where they can socialize and participate in mission projects.
Vacation Bible School
Pilgrim participates in a week long ecumenical Vacation Bible School each June. Children enjoy crafts, drama, snack and music. Youth can participate by serving as assistants.