By Danielle Rogers
For the last three weeks Youth Group Fusion studied various miracles performed by Jesus. We analyzed them from many perspectives, looking at the historical and cultural metaphors, and even conducted science experiments recreating Jesus’ walking on water with paperclips floating in a bowl. It is harder to replicate than imagined.
Every week we covered a different story in the gospels, Jesus turning water into wine, Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead, Jesus' walking on water and in every discussion, we imagine ourselves bearing witness to these unimaginable feats. We ask questions. Would we believe our own eyes? Would we tell others? Would we be scared?
There is so much turmoil, fear and hurt in the world we need massive miracles. The miracle of love needs to wrap around humanity and the earth with massive arms and rock us gently. The miracle of peace needs to make our hearts surrender to see our collective oneness. The miracle of hope needs to spark a light within us and make us believe we can do better for one another and our world.
Children are better at seeing our collective goodness and the miracles around them. At the end of Youth Sunday school, we create time for communal prayers. For the past year we often say, “We pray for all the things.” It is short and includes everything seen and unseen, every hurt, burden, and lives needing the miracles of love, peace, and hope.