At the recent 2017 W.P. Christmas Social, the women in attendance responded generously by donating $820; the W.P. Board will supplement that amount for a total donation of $1,000 to the Homeless Student Education Program. Our guest speaker Anna Edwards, Family-School Services Coordinator for Bozeman Public Schools, spoke passionately about the Homeless Student Education Program. The program assists students (K-12) who are homeless, or families in transition, access education. The services offered include rapid enrollment, automatic free and reduced lunch, transportation, and continued enrollment regardless of residence changes. The school district has a food and supply shelf located in the Bozeman High School where families and students can come for food, clothing, hygiene items such as toothbrushes, and school supplies. Anna also assists families with accessing housing, food, clothing, medical, and other community resources.
Christmas Social: Free-Will Offering For "Bozeman Public Schools' Homeless Student Education Program
We closed our meeting with this lovely reading. Merry Christmas from the Women of Pilgrim!